Whoever knew that the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D is so essential for the preservation of mental health? The dearth of vitamin D is associated with several health disorders and complications, one of which is Depression. If you are not taking a sufficient amount of vitamin D, then it can trigger other diseases like diabetes, cardiac problems, and even cancer. But did you know that the inadequacy of vitamin D in the body can cause depression? Vitamin D is the precursor of steroid hormones. Initially, this vitamin was known to aid the strength of teeth and bones. With the advancement in medical research, it has been revealed that the low levels of vitamin D in the body can cause diabetes, obesity, autoimmune diseases, osteoporosis, and depression.
According to the CDC, almost one-fourth of the global population was reported to be suffering from vitamin D deficiency in 2006. Vitamin D is too underrated a nutrient and should be taken in sufficient amounts to ward off depression and other health issues.
Read on to find out what medical research says about the intricate linkage between the deficiency of vitamin D and natural treatment for depression. Also, learn how to cure depression naturally with the help of foods and Vitamin D supplements.
Relationship Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Depression?
Research states that the deficiency of vitamin D can provide relief from the discomfort and other symptoms of depression. Fill in your body with vitamin D to stay positive and in good health.
There is no concrete evidence of the linkage between the deficiency of vitamin D and depression. An ample amount of research suggests that a low level of vitamin D in the body can worsen the symptoms of depression.
Upon exposure to sunshine, the body produces vitamin D that is incredibly essential for health. You can also take vitamin D in the form of food and supplements. Add foods such as fatty fish, salmon, tuna, mackerel, liver, eggs, cheese, milk, and egg yolk to your daily diet to improve your mental health. The supplements of vitamin D are readily available in local drug stores and online pharmacies. If you are trying out the high dosage form of vitamin D that is 50k units of it, then do not exceed the intake beyond once or twice a week. This high dosage is only available upon a physician’s prescription. If the level of vitamin D in your body is too low, then 50k units of dosage can make you feel like a powerhouse of good health and strength.
The Institute of Medicine recommends that the daily consumption of vitamin D should be increased to about 600 IU for the age up to 70 and about 800 IU for more than 70 years of age. Extensive medical research says that the association between vitamin D deficiency and depression is a two-way approach. The people who suffer from depression are prone to a lack of vitamin D. This lack is because they mostly stay indoors, hardly take part in physical activities and games, and do not stick to a healthy and balanced diet.
Medical expert Pathuk says that our brain has vitamin D receptors. These respond to the adequate level of vitamin D in the body and thereby work to regulate the emotional and behavioral patterns of humans. Pathuk firmly believes that based on her research, supplying the body with sufficient levels of vitamin D can cure depression and anxiety disorders as well.
Even though it is yet to be established, yet vitamin D is essential for both- mental health and physiological functioning. The NIH reports that daily exposure to sunlight early in the morning can make a marked improvement in your mood. Besides, if not for depression, you need vitamin D for the absorption of calcium in the body. So, go for a morning walk every day for your daily dose of happy sunshine and vitamin D.
However, you need to be patient about enhancing the level of vitamin D in the body, as the production of this vitamin takes ages or to be specific, almost half a year. Take food and supplements regularly along with early morning walks until the level becomes substantial, and you feel healthy and happy again. On a cautionary note, do not go out in the Sun during the afternoon or else the toxic UV rays will wreak havoc on your skin. Use sunscreen lotion when you step out in the Sun, especially during afternoons. Stay healthy and happy always.
Author Bio:
Henna is a freelance content writer and a blogger who specializes in home remedies, natural cure, fitness, and power yoga. She is a nature enthusiast who contributes her work for many websites like How To Cure. In her free time, you can find her on adventurous trips and hanging out with family and friends.